Requirements for childminders
Childminders must meet the requirements of the Childcare Act and quality preschools.
As Childminder you need to be:
- Affiliated with a childminding agency;
- 18 years or older;
- Speak Dutch, Frisian or a recognized Dutch dialect (unless the children temporarily living in the Netherlands, such as children of expatriates);
- Hand over a Certificate of Good Behaviour (VOG);
- Meet the requirements for safety;
- You need to have a a diploma or certificate for childminding.
Maximum number of children per childminder
The amount of children that a childminder may have depends on the age of the children. A childminder can catch up six children under the age of 13 years. It requires:
Source: gastouder |
- Up to 5 children under 4 years;
- Up to 4 children under 2 years;
- 2 children up to 1 year.
The maximum number of children is including their own children (under 10 years).The payments of host parents go go by means of a registered childminding agency.
You are only eligible for childcare if your childminding agency and the childminder registered in the National Register Childcare and preschools (LRKP). Contact your childminder or childminding agency if there is no registration.