woensdag 3 juli 2013

I got my drivers license!

After a day full of excitement I finally got my drivers license! I started 4 months ago with no experience behind the wheel. But after a couple of lessons i started to get confidence in my own driving skills. The whole package with lessons and tests cost me €1245,- which is a very good price in Holland. But all the money that i have spent on was worth it 

After 15 lessons I received several compliments about my driving style. Of course, I owe this to my driving instructor who has guided me the last couple of months on a excellent way. Mainly I drove around The Hague, a very big city with a lot of traffic. Because of all the busy roads, i think i learned a lot about anticipating on other drivers on the road. I saw some pretty crazy things on the road like several big accidents in front of my car.

A few weeks ago i bought my first car and i can finally drive in it. I'm so happy! 

Finally I would like to thank my instructor for all his work and confidence!  

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