woensdag 23 juli 2014

Breaking: Dentist pulls 232 teeth at a 17-year old boy

Afraid of the dentist? Remember which treatment you undergo, it can always get worse. In India, a dentist pulled out 232 teeth during a seven-hour operation at a 17-year-old boy. The dental surgeon expects the total number of teeth removed is 350. The teeth vary in size from a marble to a mustard seed.

Source foto: Tandarts Amsterdam

The boy was in pain for over a year and the entire right side of his face was swollen. Presumably many teeth emerged in his childhood by deformities of the tooth germs. Although it is a known and common phenomenon, but rarely causes symptoms like this guy. By way of illustration; a normal set of teeth has only 32 teeth, if we count milk teeth, then there are even 20.

Source information: http://www.metronieuws.nl/nieuws/tandarts-trekt-232-tanden-bij-jongen/SrZngw!foaIT6x4Tx/ (Dutch)

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